



As recently as the 1980s, women were not considered fit to run marathons, despite having done so since antiquity.

*776BC: Women took part in the Heraean Games (honoring Goddess Hera) in Ancient Greece, yet were excluded from both ancient and modern Olympics.

*1896: Stamata Revithi (Greek woman) ran the course of the men's marathon the day after they ran it in the Summer Olympics.

*1922: Women began competing in track & field events with organization of the Women's World Games.

*1926: International Association of Athletics Federation recognized    Violet Piercy for 'unofficially' running the marathon course between Windsor and London faster than any previous woman.

The Heraean Games by Prospero Piatti , 1901 (Pixels) 

The Women's World Games, Paris, 1922 (The Women's Chanel)  

Violet Piercy Running in Marathon, 1926 (Word Press)